Bay Blog

News and Latest Sightings

Well, after an extremely busy 2007 we are now looking forward to starting trips again on the 21st March 2008. Spring is a great time of the year and we are looking forward to the birds returning for their breeding seasons. 2007 was an excellent season for sightings of both the Bottlenose Dolphins and the Atlantic Grey Seals. The seals were extremely reliable. We saw them on 100% of our sailings. The Dolphins aren't quite so reliable and although we didn't them on every trip our guestimate is that we saw them on 90% of days. In 2008 we are planning to update the website with the latest sightings information on a more regular basis :-) Bye for now.

Posted by : Tony Barber - Saturday, 19 January 2008

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A Bay To Remember

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