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No trips today due to the very wet weather!

Posted by : Tony Barber - Thursday, 31 July 2008

Sorry for the gap since my last post.  We have been very busy, bucking the trend we are busier this year than last.  We have had great dolphin & porpoise sightings over the last week, helped by the nice weather, seeing dolphins every day & on the majority of trips since my last post.   Pod sizes have varied from as high as 20 down to 1 – 2 individual’s, although it seems there is a pod of around 8 – 10 which we see most often.  As normal, the area between Cardigan Island & Mwnt is where we have most of the sightings, often only 5 -10 metres from the shore.  Bye for now.

Posted by : Tony Barber - Wednesday, 30 July 2008

Email recieved this morning, "Just a quick note to say thanks,we loved the trip. We were on your trip this week (2 kids, 4 adults). My brother and his friend had not seen seals or dolphins ever before. We were on the Tuesday morning 11:30 trip : The whole family loved the trip. It very special.. The crew on the trip were really qualified. Note: we went on a different trip last year and that was good but yours was better ! We live in china(used to live in wales).. and really appreciate the welsh country side and sea side.. So.. best wishes..maybe see you next year. James,Michael,Hannah, Frank, Nazair. ."

Posted by : Tony Barber - Friday, 25 July 2008

Another great day for Dolphin sightings. This time off Cemaes Head. We received a call from one of the local fishermen and found a dispersed pod of between 10 - 15 dolphins moving slowly towards Cardigan Island. See the picture above. Why is it things always look further away in a photo?

Posted by : Tony Barber - Wednesday, 23 July 2008

Posted by : Tony Barber - Tuesday, 22 July 2008

3 trips today with dolphin sightings on the 1st two. A pod of between 15 - 20 dolphins were feeding between Cardigan Island and Mwnt for over an hour. Please excuse my photographic skills but the photos below were taken from my phone. We also saw a group of 8 - 10 seals hauled out on the beach by cemaes head plus several more around Cardigan Island.

Posted by : Tony Barber -

Another great few days for Dolphin Sightings. On Tuesday we had amazing sightings on 2 of our 3 evening trips with the dolphins bow riding right next to the boat again. We also saw some porpoises on the last trip of the evening just off Cardigan Island. Yesterday we saw a large pod on our early bird special off Mwnt. They came within 2 metres of the boat, amazing. We saw them again on our 1st trip of the evening. No video footage yet though, come on Dan!

Posted by : Tony Barber - Thursday, 17 July 2008

We had great dolphin sightings on both of our evening trips today. The pod hung around for around 45 minutes in total and even spent some time bow riding right next to the boat. Dan, one of our crew, has just bought a waterproof video camera so watch this space for some footage! (no presure Dan :-))

Posted by : Tony Barber - Monday, 14 July 2008

We had another nice email today - "My grandson and I went on your tour at
5pm on Saturday 12 July . My grandson is only six but thoroughly enjoyed the
sometimes bumpy ride and the talk about the wildlife we saw. He was really
thrilled with the seals. He also loved the ride back in shouting put the
pedal on when he heard the engines speed up. - Hazel Scourfield." Thanks

Posted by : Tony Barber -

I'm conscious that sometimes the seals get a little overlooked in our blog posts. This is because I cannot remember a trip when we haven't seen them. Sorry seals, we still love seeing you. We did catch a rather fleeting glance of either a porpoise or dolphin on our last trip of the day today. It was that fleeting it was difficult to tell what it was!

Posted by : Tony Barber - Saturday, 12 July 2008

We saw porpoises on both today's and yesterdays trips. Plus the usual seals, guillemots, razorbills, thousands of gulls, cormorants, shags, oyster catchers, fulmars, gannets to name a few.

Posted by : Tony Barber - Friday, 11 July 2008

We had a nice email from a passenger this week. "Hi Tony. I would just like to thank you and the crew for a most rewarding trip. Unfortunately, we never saw any dolphins, but the various gulls and especially the seals were amazing. I would recommend you to anyone visiting the area. David Port" Thanks for the email David.

Posted by : Tony Barber - Tuesday, 8 July 2008

We had a good weekend dispite the rather disapointing weather. We had a sighting of a Harbour Porpoise on Saturday just off Cardigan Island. There have been a lot of Grey Seals around the island as well although they seem to of disapeared from our "Seal Beach" on Cemaes Head. They'll be back soon in force ready for the pupping season.

Posted by : Tony Barber - Monday, 7 July 2008

On our 18.45 yesterday we saw a large pod of Bottlenose Dolphins just off Cardigan Island. At one point one was only 20 yards from the shore with the rest of the 10 - 12 in the pod a little further out together with 8 - 10 Gannets.

Posted by : Tony Barber - Friday, 4 July 2008

Dolphins spotted between Mwnt & Cardigan Island

On our 6.45pm trip we saw between 5 - 6 Dolphins between Mwnt & Cardigan Island.

Posted by : Tony Barber - Wednesday, 2 July 2008

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