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Three trips today, the first at 10.00am. The Auks were out in force, 4 Choughs, Fulmars and even a Raven as we rounded the island. We’ve been waiting for our first dolphin sighting of 2009, and they certainly didn’t disappoint! Initially there appeared to be a pod of around 6 frantically chasing fish just off the island, but we were soon joined by more and more until we had at least 2 dozen around the boat putting on a fantastic show for a good 20 minutes.
Beyond Cemaes Head, we had 187 seals laid up on the beach (our skipper Len counted them), with numerous others in the water. We then topped off the trip with a sighting of one of our Peregrin Falcons.
The Dolphins proved elusive for the latter trips, but we did spot a couple of Porpoise just off Mwnt on the second, and the seals and bird sightings remained consistently good! Now if only Dan could remember to bring his video camera.............

Posted by : Tony Barber - Monday, 13 April 2009

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