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Lovely weather for the past few days with lots of trips, however the dolphins have been quite elusive. We spotted a solitary dolphin just off Cardigan Island on Thursday (28th) on one of the trips (which is quite unusual) and yesterday (Friday 29th) we drew a complete blank on dolphin sightings. We did however spot plenty of seals and on the bird front we the guillimots and razor bills are always a delight plus we our pair or perigrine falcons on camaes head plus some choughs nesting in one of our caves.
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Posted by : Tony Barber - Saturday, 30 May 2009

Beautiful weather yesterday and a great sighting of the bottle nose dolphins. A very disperse pod of around 8 - 10 dolphins that we first spotted feeding off Cardigan Island. As we continued our trip the dolphins moved along with is, albeit st a slight distance, as they were more interested in the fish than us! The seals were a little thin on the ground today with 3 or 4 in the water around cemaes head. Finally we bumped into the dolphins again on our way back in to Gwbert.

Posted by : Tony Barber - Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Our first trips of the half term week started yesterday (saturday 23rd) with a sighting of a pod of 8 bottle nose dolphins only 5 minutes after departing. They were feeding just to the Mwnt side of Cardigan Island. We stayed with them for 10 - 15 minutes before leaving them in peace. Cardigan Island was teaming with birds and as always its a pleasure to see the nesting Razor bills and Guillemots, although they won't be here for too long now. Finally approximately 25 seals were hauled out on our seal beach with about the same number in the water around the boat.
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Posted by : Tony Barber - Sunday, 24 May 2009

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