Bay Blog
News and Latest Sightings
Sadly the Auks are now starting to leave the Island although there are still some left. A great sighting of between 6 - 8 dolphins today in between Mwnt & Cardigan Island. No seals at all today.
Posted by : Tony Barber -
Tuesday, 30 June 2009
A great trip today with a albeit rather lazy pod of between 6 - 8 dolphins just off Mwnt. Passengers are always amazed how close they can be to the headland, literally 5 metres away. We then sighted 2 porpoise just off Cardigan Island. Then the seals by Cardigan Farm Park put on a great show and to round it off a Peregrine put in an appearance.
Posted by : Tony Barber -
Monday, 29 June 2009
Sorry for the lack of updates. We have been enjoying great sightings with the Island very busy with Auks and now a large amount of Kittiwakes. We have had some good dolphins sightings and the seals around Cardigan Farm park have been very reliable, as our usual seal beach has been deserted for 2 - 3 weeks now. They will be back in number again soon in preparation for their breeding season.
Posted by : Tony Barber -
Sunday, 28 June 2009
It was a great day yesterday. Cardigan Island was teaming with birds. We sighted around 5 - 6 dolphins just off Mwnt and also another group of 5 - 6 a little further out which then put on a spectacular show for us jumping clean from the water several times. The seals were in a good mood by Cardigan Farm Park with 6 in the water around the boat.
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Posted by : Tony Barber -
Sunday, 14 June 2009
We had one dolphin sighting today in between Cardigan Island and Mwnt and unfortunately our seals are still very thin on the ground although we did see a total or 4 between our 2 trips. We can only presume that they are feeding themselves up ready for the puping season. There was loads of bird activity on CardiganIsland with our Auks and Gulls our in force. There was also large groups of manx shearwaters and gannets feeding towards Pen Peles which is just up the coast from Mwnt.
Posted by : Tony Barber -
Wednesday, 10 June 2009
Here is an update on our sightings for the last week. Last Saturday we sighted 2 dolphins just off cardigan island together with a few seals around Cemaes head. During this spell of nice weather the seals have become very thin on the ground (or beach). Monday saw another sighting of a 2 dolphins just off cardigan island. Tuesday was unusual in that we had a sighting of a pod of 5-6 dolphins off the back of cardigan island and then we ran into another slightly larger pod just off Cemaes head. On our way back in they were there again right in the middle of the bay. Wednesday we sighted a solitary dolphin towards Mwnt and a very noisy Peregrine on Cemaes head. Oh, I nearly forgot to mention our Auks which are always lovely to see on the island.
Posted by : Tony Barber -
Saturday, 6 June 2009

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