Bay Blog
News and Latest Sightings
Coronavirus Update 2
Therefore, we won’t be running trips for a while.
We hope that somehow we’ll be through the worst of this by the end of May, but we’ll obviously keep things under review.
The more carefully we all follow the Governments advice on social distancing & avoiding unnecessary travel, the quicker we can hopefully get through this.
If you have booked a trip we’ll be in touch to offer a credit or refund. In the meantime, we look forward to being back on the water as soon as it’s safe for us all.
In the meantime, stay safe.
Coronavirus Update
These really are uncharted waters (excuse the pun!) and like everyone else we're wondering what the rest of 2020 has in store for us.
We're ready to start running trips again and this would normally happen in time for Easter. However, whilst we'd love to be back out on the water, I'm not hopeful we will be any time soon.
It's a tricky one really. Some fresh sea air could be the ideal thing and whilst we may well have some demand, we are very mindful of doing what's best for everyone in the long term. If that means taking a few months (or even longer) off that's what we'll have to do.
Government advice is changing daily so we'll be posting updates as we know more.
Rest assured that, if you have a trip booked with us and it cannot run you will be offered either a full refund or a credit voucher to use another time (valid for 2 years), your choice.
We're a real family business, and like small businesses up and down the country we can't ignore that this situation is going to be very challenging! However, when times are tough, the things that are most important to you come into much clearer focus.
Please stay safe and we hope to see you soon!
Tony, Amanda, Leo & Madeleine.
Playful Dolphin Calf at Mwnt
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We're back on the water on the 1st April
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Registered in England & Wales 05918594. St. Dogmael’s, Pembs SA43 3EQ